There are two Sunday morning celebrations of the Eucharist, at 8am and 10am.

Both follow the Second Order of Holy Communion from A Prayer Book for Australia (1995).

The 8AM EUCHARIST draws a gathering of worshippers who meet in the Mary Chapel.
Regular participants have developed a close bond and share breakfast together
in the parish hall after the service. The service lasts around 45 minutes.

The 10AM SUNG EUCHARIST reflects a relaxed Anglo-Catholic style of
worship. We use music, movement and colour, as well as incense, bells and
candles to help lift our hearts, minds and senses toward God, rather than
relying on words alone to express the mysteries of our faith and worship.

On an ordinary Sunday the service lasts for about an hour.

The 10am service is followed by morning tea in the Church Hall – a time to enjoy each other’s company and welcome newcomers and visitors.