St. Mary’s provides children’s ministry in the 10:00 Sunday morning service, during school terms. Children go out to the small hall with leaders (all of whom have appropriate Working With Children Checks) for their own teaching time, during which there are prayers, activities and reflection on the gospel for the day. They return to church for communion, and to share what they have learned with the adults during the notices.
“Light Up!“- First Sunday of the Month.
“Messy St Mary’s” – Third Sunday of the Month.
Sunday School – every other week in the Main Hall during the 10am service. Please let Harriet know if you would like to join in or want more information.
Ethos and values: We are a community of people who strive to be faithful to the gospel, and to express our own faith within the living tradition of our church. Our children’s ministry consciously seeks to expose children to that living tradition in ways which are nurturing and life-giving.
Our community is inclusive, and children and adults are welcome without any barriers based on race, gender, sexuality, age or disability. We actively seek to make our activities accessible to any children with special needs.
St. Mary’s is a community committed to loving service (of one another and the wider community), social justice, peace and reconciliation. We share the wider church’s concern to safeguard the integrity of the environment.
Contact: This ministry is co-ordinated by Harriet Jenkins.